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Simultaneous Interpreting

The interpreter listens to the speaker and simultaneously translates the message into the target language

what does simultaneous interpreting do.

The most popular method of interpreting is simultaneous interpreting, which involves an interpreter listening to a speaker and simultaneously translating what’s heard into a preferred target language. This form of interpreting is typically employed at conferences, seminars, discussion panels, etc., when a foreign speaker is talking, or at events where the audience is multilingual.

The interpreter speaks at the same time as the speaker, who delivers his or her presentation via a microphone whose signal is transmitted to the interpreter’s headphones, which in turn is delivered with a short delay to those tuned in and listening. This service requires special equipment and the interpretation is done by two professionals in turn (usually swapping every 15 or 20 minutes). Usually, speakers prepare for an event by making a presentation or writing a speech. If possible, we recommend handing these materials to the interpreter ahead of time. This allows the interpreter to become familiar with the material, helping to deliver a better overall experience for those listening in their preferred language.

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation

Interactio is an innovative new solution that provides simultaneous interpretation at all kinds of events, anywhere in the world.

Interpreting Equipment

Interactio’s solution is compatible with a wide range of video conferencing platforms, including but not limited to Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Blue Jeans.

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