Linearis Quality Policy
Content difficulty determines its tier, ensuring the right expertise and service for best results
Type of Content
Machine Translation
Professional Translation
Everyday use
Internal communication
Generic Documents
Dynamic, Online
Product Sescriptions
User-Generated Content
Social Media Posts
Video captions
Legal and Financial Documents
Technical Documents
Media publishing
Marketing Communication
Market-entry app/web localization
Static Web Copy
App Descriptions
App/Website UI strings
Type of Content
Everyday use
Internal communication
Generic Documents
Machine Translation
Professional Translation
Dynamic, Online
Product Sescriptions
User-Generated Content
Social Media Posts
Video captions
Machine Translation
Professional Translation
Legal and Financial Documents
Technical Documents
Machine Translation
Professional Translation
Media publishing
Marketing Communication
Machine Translation
Professional Translation
Market-entry app/web localization
Static Web Copy
App Descriptions
App/Website UI strings
Machine Translation
Professional Translation
How are the quality levels different?
Machine Translation
Professional Translation
Content Output
Fully Automated
Human Translation
Human Translation
What you get
Largely accurate machine translation that meets your minimum requirements
Professional translation by certified lingusits, ensuring the highest accuracy
Professional translation by certified linguists and industry experts, tailored to your industry specifics. Best for customers with sales support
Linearis quality estimate
The estimate represent our error
Up to 90%
Content Output
Machine Translation
Fully Automated
Professional Translation
Human Translation
Human Translation
What you get
Machine Translation
Largely accurate machine translation that meets your minimum requirements
Professional Translation
Professional translation by certified lingusits, ensuring the highest accuracy
Professional translation by certified linguists and industry experts, tailored to your industry specifics. Best for customers with sales support
Linearis quality estimate
The estimate represent our error
Machine Translation
Up to 90%
Professional Translation
Get the right service at the best price—instantly
ISO-Certified Quality Assurance
Quality management standard (ISO 9001)
ISO 9001 establishes standards for quality management systems that prioritize a customer-centric approach and ongoing enhancement. Through customized efforts aimed at fulfilling the unique needs of each individual customer, and by actively monitoring our performance, we guarantee the provision of consistently superior services that enhance the overall customer experience.
Information security management standard (ISO 27001)
ISO 27001 sets the bar for protecting sensitive information, like intellectual property, by defining how to manage its security. By implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS), we proactively mitigate risk by enforcing compliance with the ISMS standards across people, processes, and IT systems. With this approach, we’re empowered to safeguard valuable information and minimize security risks.
Translation services (ISO 17100)
ISO 17100 is tailored to the Translation and Localization Industry and lays out the criteria for delivering top-notch human translation services. This standard encompasses various aspects, including the qualifications of our project managers and linguists, project preparation and completion, data security measures, and feedback on our performance. Our processes adhere to the specifications outlined by both the industry and our valued customers, ensuring that we meet the highest standards in delivering quality translations.
Post-editing of machine translation output standard (ISO 18587)
ISO 18587 is an international standard that outlines the requirements for post-editing computer-generated translations. The ISO 18587 standard focuses on the goals of post-editing, the requirements for post-editing a machine translation, and the requirements for editors. By adhering to these guidelines, ISO 18587 ensures that the quality of post-editing remains high, even at high volume. This is only possible with the organized processes established by the ISO guidelines.
Approvals & Rejections
All customers have the opportunity to review translations before approving them. If a translation is not reviewed by the customer within 30 days, it will be automatically approved.
If you identify quality issues with the translation, you can request corrections from Linearis until you are satisfied with the result. In cases of severe problems with the translation, you have the option to reject it and request a full retranslation or have the job reassigned to another Linearis translator, free of charge. Rejection requests will be approved if the job is found not to meet Linearis’ quality standards.
Unsupported Content
Linearis does not provide translations for safety-critical texts or materials where errors could pose a risk to human life. Furthermore, Linearis reserves the right to refuse translation services for content that contains or promotes criminal activity, violence, hate speech, discriminatory or defamatory material, sexually explicit content, or any other content that violates legal, ethical, or professional standards.
If you submit content that falls outside Linearis’ supported scope, you forfeit the right to request rejections or corrections. Linearis makes no guarantees and assumes no legal liability for the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of such content.
Machine Translated Output
Machine Translation is a fully automated process using Linearis’ custom engines, generating translation output that may not be 100% accurate. It is recommended for internal use or at the Customer’s own risk regarding accuracy.
The Customer agrees to review all Machine Translated output before making the content public. Linearis assumes no liability or indemnity for Machine Translated works if the Customer fails to perform such a review.
Confidentiality and Data Security
All documents and files provided by the Customer are treated as strictly confidential and shared only with authorised personnel or subcontractors bound by Confidentiality Agreements. Confidential Information excludes publicly available data or information independently obtained outside the assignment.
The Company complies with GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and implements strict measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access, loss, or misuse. For more information, please see our Terms of Service.